Electrical Maintenance - Shaving

Технология Станки для зубообработки
Уровень Продвинутый, Экспертный
Процесс Зубошевингование
Номер курса C-SV30
Продолжительность занятий 2-3 days (based on machine availability: at Gleason before machine shipment; or at customer’s facility – TBD/quoted)
Число участников 3-6
Место проведения тренингов Месторасположение заказчика, Сучжоу, Китай, Бангалор, Индия
Price Tags Price on Request

Electrical Maintenance - Shaving

A complete understanding of the control system used on Gleason machines. Familiarity with both the machine and auxiliary electronic hardware, including use of the software for various units. The theory of the system as well as practical hands-on troubleshooting techniques.


▪ Overview of control components.
▪ Servo loop theory.
▪ Machine electrical/electronic components.
▪ CNC programs.
▪ Schematic and wiring diagrams.
▪ Adjustments to electrical/electronic systems.
▪ Troubleshooting machine electrical/electronic systems.


Training Location

At Gleason or at customer’s facility. 


Upon Completion

A certificate is issued with successful completion.



Please use the shopping cart to select the location, language and date. The selection in our shopping cart will not trigger an order, but starts a request for quotation with your preferred date (unconfirmed). The Gleason Academy team will contact you with further details and discuss options - at this time, we require the machine’s serial number. Please note that not all machine types and models can be made available at the requested location and in your specific language.

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